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Do You Know A Senior In Need Of Prayer?

Praying on behalf of seniors, their caregivers, and their loved ones.

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Hello, I'm Chris. Thank you for visiting. My family and I are dedicated to praying for seniors, caregivers, and their loved ones. We understand the challenges they face and offer our prayers for healing, peace, strength, and guidance. Let us unite in prayer, seeking God's blessings for all. Amen.

Lovingly dedicated to the memory of Ruth Naomi Allen (Granny) 💕


The Lord's Prayer

Matthew 6:9-15

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Praise The Lord

Like Job, we've found something else to be true.  Tough times require the sacrifice of praise.  Easier said than done, but true none the less.  In his darkest hours, Job fell to the ground and worshiped God.  

Job’s suffering seems to have come out of nowhere and have no connection to his character.  By all accounts he had everything and was a godly man.  And while Job lost everything and suffered much, in the end he remained faithful and God did restore him. 

The Story of Job

How often we forget to praise our Lord during the times of blessing and even more so during the trials and tribulations that we sometimes face in life.

“O’ that we would praise Him without ceasing in all things in all times just like our call to prayer.”

Job's story is a great reminder and a call for all of us to faithfully praise our sovereign Lord, even in our darkest hour, residing in His loving goodness and kind mercies.


May we too worship God as Job did and may our Father God restore all who suffer.  In Christ's name we pray, always and forever to God's glory.  Amen. 


Praise the Lord, O my soul

Psalms 150

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Prayer Request

Please know that each and every one of your prayer requests are held in strict confidentiality.


In Love,

~Chris & Family

"Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen!"

Psalms 72:19

Thank You!

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